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Change how you manage your SMSF clients

Are you tired of losing money responding to emails and taking calls from your SMSF Clients?

Then it's time to get your profit back.

Most accountants who dream of no SMSF write-offs face a major obstacle that always keeps that dream beyond their reach. What is that obstacle?

Before we tell you, let me ask you this? 

Do the questions from your SMSF clients seem like they never end? 

There is always one more email or message to call a client back that is slowly eating away at your profit. Isn't it frustrating that the same clients that are asking these questions are the same ones that wanted a flat fee. We get it. We have been working in this industry our whole careers.

Don't beat yourself up, this is common to all accounting businesses. Many clients new to SMSFs don't understand what is involved, particularly around the process and practicalities of setting up and managing an SMSF. Hence the need for them to lean on you for your expert guidance.

If this applies to you, then you understand why you need a unique solution for managing these client questions. 

Say goodbye to the pain of unnecessary client questions

Are your clients calling you to ask things like:
Who sets up my SMSF bank account?
Why do I need an Investment Strategy?
What is SuperStream?
What name does the property needs to be in?
Simple questions, but over the year, the time it takes to respond, and those small timesheet entries add up.......... and let me guess, rather than handing these questions off to your staff it's just easier that you do it yourself...... at your charge out rate!!! Ouch.

This leads to consistently losing money on these jobs. It also keeps you from adding real value to your clients and it causes frustration with the clients that are always complaining about your fees. It may even have you thinking that SMSFs are just too hard to manage.
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Introducing our Accountants Access Affiliate Program

Start making a change to how you manage your SMSF clients
Stepping out of this cycle requires you to recognise that changing how you manage your SMSF clients is the key to improving profit and one of the ways to do that is giving them access to our easy to digest and practical resources.

Get your clients access to all of our unique tools and resources

Our courses, templates and checklists have been designed with your clients in mind. We provide practical guidance that you can pass on to your clients during the SMSF establishment and ongoing management phases of their SMSF journey. 

Their annual subscription gives you unlimited access to:


Practical guided video courses

Easy to use checklists

Investment Strategy Templates

Quarterly newsletters for your clients


Simply pass on our resources to your SMSF clients and save your valuable time explaining processes, add value to your client relationships and feel better knowing that your clients know more about what you do for their SMSF.

We will pay you a 50% affilate fee and you save time with your SMSF clients. That's win and win.

Their $347 annual subscription gives them unlimited access to all of our resources. 

If you have 50 SMSF clients that's $8,575 for you each year.

Not to mention the time you will save by having clients with a better understanding of their SMSF and how things work. Even if our resources only get you back a few hours of your time each year - you are well in front.

Don't want to send a link to your clients? No problems, simply register them all to our membership and build it into your SMSF annual Fees - We will still send you your 50%
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Lock in your early bird price now

Don't miss out on this offer - Register now and we will never charge you more than $399 per year.

This price will only be available for Accountants who register their interest before 31st December 2023.

How our affiliate program works

Membership launches

Throughout the year we will be running membership launches. Whilst the delivery may vary, this will usually involve a single or series of webinars. As an affiliate there are a number of ways that you can assist us promote the Best Practice SMSF Membership. You could simply include our membership as part of your annual accounting service and either pass on the cost to the client or build it into your offer. Or you could actively market our launches via your social media or other marketing channels. Whatever works best for you. We recommend that your SMSF establishment process includes either an annual membership or you send them a link to become members themselves. 



To register your interest to be an affiliate of the Best Practice SMSF Membership please email


Marketing Materials

During our launches we provide our affiliates with marketing all the marketing material that they require to effectively promote our launches.



We offer all affiliates 50% of the annual subscription. This payment is made at the end of the following month that it was received by us.

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